When men rebel against God, they only create an environment where, instead of enjoying His love, they must endure His wrath. Even in hell, men will not get away from God. You can do nothing to get rid of God. Since you can’t beat God or get away from Him, rather than resisting God, why not be a cooperator under Him so that you can enjoy His benefits? We are all dependent on God.

Even if you couldn’t see it, the sun would still shine. You can’t get mad at the sun and say, “I can’t see you, sun, so stop shining.” The sun will shine because that’s what the sun does. God is going to be God because that’s what God does.

If you don’t believe in God, if you reject Him, He’s still God. If you don’t want Him to be God, He’s still God because God is not dependent on us, we are dependent on Him. If anyone has to jump, we have to jump – not God.

Let me summarize. God is sufficient within Himself. He is responsible for everything we see, all of creation, yet He is independent of His creation. He can do whatever He wants. By virtue of the fact that we live, move and have our being in Him, we are utterly dependent on Him. All that we are is because of all that He is.

Excerpt from: Theology You Can Count On by Tony Evans