It’s important to know the nature of the one you are dealing with. If you think you are getting one thing, but when you get it it’s not what you thought it was, you could be in trouble. That happens today with a lot of errant teaching about who God is. God has been so misdefined, tragically redefined and even dismissed that people do not understand His true nature.

When we talk about the nature of something, we mean what is intrinsic to its being. When we talk about the nature of God, we speak of characteristics intrinsic to His being. What does He do naturally? To some people God appears a tyrant, so they are waiting for their next whipping. To others, He’s a joke. To still others, God seems like a nice grandfather with a long white beard, kind of gentle to be around but with very little influence. Or he’s just a bigger, better version of man.

But if we are going to have an intimate walk with God, we must understand what makes Him tick-His true nature.

Father, as we go about our day, help us to not be content with just knowing You, but help us to seek every opportunity to know more about You. We want to know you intentionally, implicitly and intimately. We want to know everything about You and everything about what You expect from us and what we, as Your children, can expect from You.

Excerpt from: Theology You Can Count On by Tony Evans